In this era of high-speed communication, RF Engineering is one of the major areas of interest. For understanding the wireless communication in the microwave & millimeter-wave frequency bands this lab provides the fundamental background. On the other hand, Optical Communication is also having importance to provide high data rate. Equipment available in this lab provides sufficient facility to carry out the related labs mentioned in the course curriculum and also research facilities for the undergraduate students.
List of the Major Equipments:
- 25 MHz Dual channel C.R.O.
- Antenna Trainer Kit
- Transmission Line Trainer Kit
- X-band Horn Antenna test bench
- Gunn Diode based microwave waveguide test bench (X-band)
- Reflex Klystron based microwave waveguide test bench (X-band)
- Spectrum Analyzer (3GHz)
- VSWR Meter
- Power Meter E4418B
- Optical Fiber Comm. Trainer Kit
List of Experiments for Electromagnetic wave & Transmission Lines Lab (EC-491)
- Study of Radiation pattern and measurement of beam width of a Simple Dipole antenna.
- Study of Radiation pattern and measurement of beam width of a Folded Dipole antenna.
- Study of Radiation pattern and measurement of beam width of a Yagi-Uda antenna.
- Study of Radiation pattern and measurement of beam width of Parabolic Reflector antenna.
- Study of Radiation Pattern and measurement of Gain &Beam width of a Horn Antenna using Rectangular Wave Guide.
- Measurement of input & load impedance of a terminated waveguide using Shift in minima technique.
- Measurement of unknown load impedance using Smith Chart.
- Study the characteristics of Transmission Line.
- Study of Spectrum Analyzer.
List of Experiments for RF & Microwave Engg. Lab (EC-793A)
- Measurement of wavelength; guided wavelength and frequency using X-band wave-guide test bench. Calculation of broad wall dimension of an X-band waveguide. Determination of phase and group velocities within a waveguide from dispersion diagram (plot)
- Study the variation of power output and frequency of a reflex klystron with the repeller voltage.
- Study of the characteristics of Gunn Diode Oscillator
- Measurement of unknown impedance using shift in minima technique
- Study the properties of a magic tee using X band waveguide test bench.
- Measurement of Coupling factor, Directivity, Isolation and Insertion loss of a multi-hole Directional Coupler using microwave test bench.
List of Experiments for Optical Communication & Network Lab (EC-793B)
- Study of 650 nm Fiber Optic Analog link
- Measurement of Propagation or Attenuation Loss in the optical fiber
- Study of Bending Loss
- Measurement of Numerical Aperture (NA) of provided optical fiber
- Determination of Bit Rate supported by the fiber optic link
- V-I Characteristics of Photo LED
- V-I Characteristics of Photo Detector
- Study of voice Communication through fiber Optic cable using Amplitude Modulation
Apart from university curriculum, the lab is also utilized for PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana), a skill development program by The Govt. of India in which the students of mostly non-technical background are helped to get familiarized with basic of OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION.